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Basic rules:

The breeds listed here are free to make! No payments needed, just your creativity!

Colour guide:

Any and all colours are allowed! 

Pererth can have inspiration from any form of animal, there are many based off of things such as: Snakes, horses, cats, dogs, birds and fish.

Whilst Pererth more typically have darker / natural colours to them, it isn’t uncommon for some to have absolutely crazy colours that stick out, especially due to their origins. 


Quick notes: Pererth have fossa x dragon styled anatomy. 


- Key markers - 
[These things cannot be changed.] 

Must have:
- Notches in the ears
- Fossa styled front paws/feet 
- Noses no longer than their head, unless they are the Canis sub-breed 
- The row of spines down their tails. The spines can be different shapes and numbers, but there must be at least eight of them. 

- Hyena styled teeth, with two sets of enlarged canines.

The Base Breeds of Pererth have very set anatomy. Specifically, they are quite long with stubbier legs, long prehensile tails for counter balancing and strong stubby snouts. This is because the Pererth is an all rounder, a jack of all trades for adaptability. Their diet is omnivorous, they will hunt, scavenge and gather. Their anatomy reflects this perfectly, with the large strong sharp teeth at the front for rending flesh, and the flatter teeth at the back of the mouth for grinding more fibrous plant foods. Another notable feature is the Pererth's front paws, which tend to stay the same even when a Pererth hybridises. They are very dextrous, almost to the same degree as a human hand. The spines down their tails are another key feature, they have heavy nerve centres and are there to stop larger creatures from jumping on them. The spines are attached to muscles that pull them upwards when in danger. The feathers on the side of the Pererth's head are essential in order for them to fly, as they're akin to whiskers and will provide the Pererth with very important pressure and windspeed information that allows them to fly as well as they do. The notches in the ears are always present, even with efforts to try to "breed them out". Any Pererth without these notches is usually present with a fatal genetic flaw and do not make it past infancy. 

What can I do?

You are welcome to use your Pererth how you wish to! (Unless it is illegal or morally "unacceptable".) You are welcome to use your Pererth in a world of your own design, as a mascot for a company, as a main character to a story or comic, anything like that. 


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