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The Guardian Dragons

Guardian Dragons are the 'Rulers' of Dreamscape. They are spirits borne of souls set ablaze against the injustices of the world, tasked to defend against the Void Beasts that threaten existence itself. They themselves are non-physical and can only exist in the Spirit World, unless there is an overlap or an Astrological event allowing the crossing between the physical and Spirit World. 

Guardian Dragons are rare and hard to come by, hence why they are a bit more pricey than the other species that are present in Dreamscape. 


Each Guardian Dragon is also special. They come with a special Firestone Charm which is the same colour of the fire that they breathe. It is a gift from the bonded GD to the owner, and it is a sign of the connection that they have with one another. It is also absolute proof of the ownership of a GD, with their special code engraved in it. 


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